What is carbon footprint analysis?

A carbon footprint analysis is also known as a greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions assessment. It evaluates the greenhouse gas emissions caused by the manufacture of a product or any given activity that contributes to global warming. This begins with the assessment of emissions of carbon, sulfur hexafluoride, and methane.

How carbon generated?

When we burn fossil fuel to produce power that emit green house gases, for example CO2, in simple we count it CO2 equivalent. So we can say the amount of CO2 release in the atmosphere due to our activities. We can calculate carbon footprint for global, individual, business, organization. For example if we use vehicle to travel it surely emit carbon, but depend on what type of fuel it uses and how the fuel is generated. As 2016 per statistics average carbon footprint per person in the world is 4.79 tons. Highest carbon foot print is 37.29 tons per person belongs to Qatar and lowest is Greenland 0.03 ton per person. Countries such as South Korea, Kuwait, Russia, United States, Bahrain, Oman, Iceland, Taiwan and many more each have more 10 tons per person emission. Many African countries such as Chad, Comoros, Tanzania, Liberia, have least carbon foot print which is less than 1 ton per person.

Types of carbon footprint analysis:

  1. Scope 1: Direct emissions produced by your company (e.g. company fleet)
  2. Scope 2: Indirect emissions you produce (e.g. through purchased electricity and heat)
  3. Scope 3: Indirect Emissions generated along your entire value chain (e.g. through purchased goods and services)

Carbon is/ emitted by mostly burning fossil fuel.

Alexandra Shimo-Barry, author of “The Environment Equation,” has come up with a formula that explains how to calculate your carbon footprint at home, too! Simply follow the below steps, and voila.

  1. Multiply your monthly electric bill by 105
  2. Multiply your monthly gas bill by 105
  3. Multiply your monthly oil bill by 113
  4. Multiply your total yearly mileage on your car by .79
  5. Multiply the number of flights you’ve taken in the past year (4 hours or less) by 1,100
  6. Multiply the number of flights you’ve taken in the past year (4 hours or more) by 4,400
  7. Add 184 if you do NOT recycle newspaper
  8. Add 166 if you do NOT recycle aluminum and tin
  9. Add 1-8 together for your total carbon footprint

Keep in mind that an “ideal” carbon footprint (or a “low” footprint) is anywhere from 6,000 to 15,999 pounds per year. 16,000-22,000 is considered average. Fewer than 6,000 are considered very low. Over 22,000? You may want to take some of these “living green” practices into consideration. (ref: Ref: Justenergy.com) 

How to reduce carbon footprint?

  • Insulate your house so that cooling cost and heating cost can be saved.
  • Switch to renewable, more renewable energy less burn of fossil fuel
  • Buy energy efficient appliances
  • Use less water. Every drop of water cost money.
  • Avoid dairy produce (meat).
  • Change lifestyle. Small home instead of big home, public transportation instead of private car, direct flight instead of transit route.
  • Use less light, use daylight, sensor, dimmer etc.
  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
  • Compost
  • Use local food